50% of your group’s NET PROFIT is donated to the charity of your choice.

World Help is a Christian humanitarian organization serving the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. Since its inception in 1991, World Help has impacted more than 84 million people in 71 countries through humanitarian aid and relief, community development projects, Bible distribution and church planting, child sponsorship, and more.


When World Help’s founder, Vernon Brewer, survived cancer, he knew God had a mission for his life. He just didn’t know what it was yet. Then in 1991, Vernon felt called to go to post-Soviet Russia where he discovered a great need for both physical help and spiritual hope. That year, he started World Help as a way to mobilize others to help meet the most urgent needs around the world.


  • Over $181 million of humanitarian aid distributed
  • 56,500+ child sponsorships
  • More than 10 million Bibles provided
  • Over 1,300 church buildings constructed
  • More than 3,200 children rescued from malnutrition
  • 960+ clean water wells and water projects completed