True Heroes. Cancer Survivors

Every year in June, our nation comes together to celebrate true heroes that have fought the good fight and continue of fighting to make life after cancer better. In honor of National Cancer Survivors Month, we would like to introduce Yadian Diaz Saez and Lauren Schille, two young but unbelievably strong National Pediatric Cancer Foundation […]
There Are Many Ways to Communicate

Meet Colby and Cadence. Two very special people with unique stories. When you find out you’re going to be a parent, you immediately start dreaming about your child’s future, what they’ll be like, and what their interests will be. We all want what’s best for our children, and we’ll do anything to help them reach […]
Non-profits in the time of Covid

COVID-19 and its Cost to Charities See how nonprofits, like JDRF, are fighting for their cause in the midst of COVID. Nearly ten months into a global pandemic that shows no sign of relenting, it’s no surprise the entire country, and the world, are feeling the ramifications, and the nonprofit sector is no different. In […]
From Cancer Surgeon to Entrepreneur

Dr. Scott Porter, Chief, Orthopedic Oncology at Prisma Health CEO and Co-Founder of Just Cause Apparel, Inc, MBA. “You only have so many big cases in you.” These words were spoken to me by a dear mentor and senior surgeon decades ago. In fact, I can’t even remember who it was that first gave me […]
True Heroes. Cancer Survivors

Every year in June, our nation comes together to celebrate true heroes that have fought the good fight and continue of fighting to make life after cancer better. In honor of National Cancer Survivors Month, we would like to introduce Yadian Diaz Saez and Lauren Schille, two young but unbelievably strong National Pediatric Cancer Foundation […]
There Are Many Ways to Communicate

Meet Colby and Cadence. Two very special people with unique stories. When you find out you’re going to be a parent, you immediately start dreaming about your child’s future, what they’ll be like, and what their interests will be. We all want what’s best for our children, and we’ll do anything to help them reach […]
Non-profits in the time of Covid

COVID-19 and its Cost to Charities See how nonprofits, like JDRF, are fighting for their cause in the midst of COVID. Nearly ten months into a global pandemic that shows no sign of relenting, it’s no surprise the entire country, and the world, are feeling the ramifications, and the nonprofit sector is no different. In […]
From Cancer Surgeon to Entrepreneur

Dr. Scott Porter, Chief, Orthopedic Oncology at Prisma Health CEO and Co-Founder of Just Cause Apparel, Inc, MBA. “You only have so many big cases in you.” These words were spoken to me by a dear mentor and senior surgeon decades ago. In fact, I can’t even remember who it was that first gave me […]